Find a recycler | Metro

2022-05-13 22:49:27 By : Ms. Petty Ma

That stuff you’re parting with might not be trash. For easy options to recycle, donate or reuse anything from batteries and packing peanuts to that old dishwasher, search the directory or call 503-234-3000.

The selected item is identical to a material that has already been added.

Antifreeze or antifreeze/water mix only. Must not contain oil or other contaminants, contaminated antifreeze is hazardous waste.

Includes boats, campers and travel trailers. All fluids must be drained, appliances and gas tanks must be removed.

No water or other contaminants; contaminated motor oil is hazardous waste.

Automobile motor oil filters only

Some recyclers have size and quantity limits, please read the notes carefully.

Automobiles and trucks may be donated or scrapped. Some scrap metal dealers only take parts, not whole vehicles.

A variety of consumer products in which a battery, usually rechargable, is built into the device.

Any rechargeable batteries including those from cell phones, cordless tools and laptops.

A lead acid computer backup battery. UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply.

Contact the recycler directly for details.

Prime and/or Rebond types of carpet padding only.

Mineral fiber and some fiberglass ceiling panels

Creosote treated wood only, like railroad ties and telephone poles

Disassembles structures in order to harvest reusable materials.

Includes gypsum wallboard and sheetrock. Does not include lath and plaster.

Includes glued and composite woods like particle board, OSB and plywood. Does not include wood material like Hardiplank and Trex. Nails and screws are acceptable.

Existing trees, shrubs and other vegetation that needs to be removed from construction sites may be salvageable. Enlisting the services of the following firms may save money on land-clearing costs and preserve valuable native or existing vegetation.

Single or double pane window glass in metal or vinyl frames or without frames. No wood framed windows, broken glass, or tempered, mirrored or otherwise treated glass.

Includes toilets and sinks. For recycling, inside mechanisms must be removed.

Nails and screws are acceptable.

Includes 3-tab and architectural grade asphalt composition shingles. Does not include commercial built-up or membrane-type roofing or tack-down rolled roofing.

Built up roofing commonly used on flat roofs for businesses. May also be referred and include hot mop roofing.

Loads of mixed dirt, rock, asphalt and concrete. May include other fill materials, but no organic materials. Some recyclers may accept red brick in the mix.

Used building materials in good reusable condition. Contact the recycler for information about specific materials.

Untreated dimensional lumber. Recycling options cannot accept painted, stained, or otherwise coated wood. For reuse options, coatings may be acceptable. No pressure treated wood or particle board.

Includes items like keyboards, printers, scanners, external drives, and computer mice.

Computer towers, laptops and monitors. Some recyclers also accept parts such as circuit boards.

Items such as stereo equipment, copiers, VHS and DVD players, satellite dishes. Televisions, computers and computer peripherals are listed separately.

Toner cartridges from laser printers and photocopiers.

ink jet cartridges for computer printers. Please contact the recycler to verify that items are currently accepted.

Depending on condition, televisions may be reused or recycled.

Only food-grade glass bottles and jars. No other glass such as vases, light bulbs, plate glass and no ceramics or pottery.

There are both reuse and recycling options for home heating oil. Oil should never be disposed of in the garbage or down a drain.

Please read the recycler notes carefully for preparation details and fees.

Please verify details with the recycler.

Contain radioactive material which allows them to glow in the dark. There is a federal take back program for these,

All types of fluorescent lights contain mercury, which is a hazardous material. They should not be disposed of as garbage. Recyclers of fluorescent lamps should be able to provide proof that the materials they accept are recycled at a permitted facility and provide a certificate of recycling.

All fluorescent lights contain mercury and phosphorus. They should not be disposed of as garbage.

A type of HID bulbs which contain mercury. Some vehicle head lights are HID bulbs

Some neon lights contain mercury and should be disposed of at a hazardous waste facility.

String lights like Christmas lights. Please read the recycler notes carefully, some require the bulbs to be removed.

Biological waste such as blood-soaked rags, trauma clean-up, etc.

Medical syringes, needles and lancets. Must be stored and transported in a leak-proof, rigid, puncture-resistant red container that is taped closed or tightly lidded to prevent loss of the contents.

Includes both prescription and non-prescription drugs. Please read recycler notes carefully, some recyclers cannot accept controlled substances.

Prescription medications such as antidepressants and opiate pain relievers. Sustances that cannot legally be given to anyone other than the person to whom they were prescribed and authorized law enforcement.

Appliances that contain Freon or other coolants such as refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Large appliances such as water heaters, cook ranges, washers and dryers, and dish washers. Does not include appliances that use a coolant such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners.

Small kitchen and household electric devices such as coffee makers, irons and toasters.

includes porcelain or enamel coated bathtubs and cast iron tubs.

Includes electrical cords and cables.

Metal drums. Read notes carefully, some recyclers cannot accept drums that contained hazardous materials.

Aerosol cans must be completely empty, remove the cap but leave the nozzle. Aerosol cans with product left in them are hazardous waste.

All iron and steel. Includes scrap metal items such as barbecues and most exercise equipment, and smaller metal items. Ferrous metals stick to magnets.

Most recyclers require that the glass turntable be removed. The glass is not recyclable, it can be kept or donated for reuse.

Such as aluminum, brass, copper, nickel, zinc, etc.; metals that will not stick to a magnet. Includes items such as aluminum gutters, copper pipe, and wire.

Includes power tools like drills and tables saws.

Propane tanks, gas tanks, camp stove cylinders and other pressurized gas cylinders.

Includes x-ray, used fixer, silver chip and negatives.

Stoves that are lined with firebrick may contain asbestos. Conact recyclers for information.

Includes a variety of materials that may be reused for arts and crafts like vinyl banners, art paint and fabric scraps.

Includes burlap and other natural fiber bags, commonly used to package coffee beans and rice.

When reused, must be with cases and inserts; when recycled, paper sleeves and inserts must be removed. The paper can be recycled with mixed paper.

Car seats cannot be donated due to liability issues, and there are very limited recycling options for them. Please read the recycler notes carefully for preparation instructions. It is recommended that the straps be cut off to render the seat unusable if the car/booster seat is placed in the garbage.

Donations to non-profit organizations. Materials must be in clean reusable condition.

Clothing items such as t-shirts, sweathshirts, jeans, pants, undergarments, dresses, etc.

Beverage containers with a deposit, purchased in Oregon. This currently includes any container between 4 ounces and 1.5 liters that contained prepared coffee or tea, kombucha, energy and sports drinks, carbondated soft drinks, hard cider, beer, water, or juice.

Check the recycler notes for specifics on type and size requirements.

Please read recycler notes carefully, not all recyclers will accept both 3.5" and 5.25" disks.

Any food or food waste for donation, recycling or composting.

Animal-based grease from cooking, such as lard.

Includes hand tools for gardening and carpetry such as shovels, hammers, rakes, etc.

household furniture souch as couches, chairs, tables, and bookshelves.

Depending upon condition, mattresses may be reused, recycled or disposed of as garbage. Please read the recycler notes for details.

Reusable medical equipment and mobility equipment only. Please verify what items are accepted by contacting the business directly. May include some machinery, walkers, specialty beds, wheel chairs, etc. Items accepted vary greatly.

Some thermostats contain mercury, a toxic heavy metal. Mercury-containing thermostats should never be disposed of in drop boxes or garbage cans. If you are unsure if a thermostat contains mercury, contact the manufacturer. If you are bringing a mercury-containing thermostat to the hazardous waste facility, bring the whole unit, not just the mercury ampoule.

Please verify with the recycler for specific details.

May include desks, cubicles, chairs etc. Read recycler notes for specific materials accepted.

No paint, plastic bits such as shrink wrap or other contaminants other than nails and screws.

Includes toiletries and general hygienic items.

Some locations can only accept athletic shoes, please read the notes for details.

Includes items like tennis balls, skis, golf balls etc. Contact the recycler for information about specific materials.

Used or unused vegetable oil.

Video (VHS) and audio cassette tapes, please remove paper sleeves.

Some recyclers will only accept natural cork, please read notes carefully.

May include latex and oil based paint plus many related items like stains and lacquer. Please read the recycler notes carefully for details on what materials they accept.

Milk cartons, drink boxes and other cartons in which soy milk, broth, soup and similar products are often sold.

Corrugated cardboard (wavy layer between two flat sheets)

Includes all mixed paper like mail, non-corrugated paperboard boxes, paper roll cores, etc.

Mostly paper shredding services; however, some businesses are also able to shred other materials such as media or prototypes.

Blocks of clean, dry packaging foam marked with a #6 or PS inside the triangle. Also known by the brand name, Styrofoam™

Corrugated plastic signs only, commonly used as campaign signs or realtor signs.

Clean polystyrene food containers such as clam shells, egg cartons, meat trays and take-out containers.

Must be clean and dry for reuse. For the cornstarch peanuts, please read the notes carefully, they are not accepted by all recyclers.

Bottles and jars with a screw-top lid or a neck narrower than the base. No plastics labeled PLA, degradable or oxy-degradable, they are garbage.

Clean plastic "clamshell" food containers. Clamshells are usually hinged food containers commonly used for take-out, lettuce and fruits. No plastics labeled PLA, degradable or oxy-degradable, they are garbage.

Stretchy plastic like shopping bags, dry cleaning bags, bread bags, wrap around toilet tissue and paper towels, bubble wrap or other plastic film marked with a two or four. Does not include crinkly plastic bags like cereal box liners, cellophane, chip bags or frozen food bags or plastics labeled PLA, degradable or oxy-degradable.

Flat plastic lids from tubs. Does not include hard, screw top caps.

Rigid plastic plant pots. This does not include multi-cell plant pots or plant trays.

Round containers with a wider rim than base. Contain products such as yogurt, salsa, margarine, cottage cheese, hummus, etc. Must not have contained toxic products. Does not include plastic drink cups and large tubs such as salad tubs.

Plastic amber colored prescription bottles containers and plastic tubes for cannabis. If marked with a number it should be #5

Any portion of the cannabis plant.

No wire, ornaments or lights, and no artificial trees. Read notes carefully for exact pick-up areas!

Grass with soil attached. Most recyclers cannot accept sod with plastic netting.

Tree stumps, some recyclers will have size limitations, please read notes carefully.

Holiday wreaths and swags. Please remove all wire, ornaments and ribbon.

Leaves, grass, weeds, twigs, branches, brush or stumps. Not all businesses accept all types of yard debris; read notes carefully.

Facilities in this database are not endorsed by Metro, and Metro assumes no liability related to information about or use of these sites. Read full disclaimer

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